Monday, April 16, 2007

The reality of tragedy

The news of the recent massacre at Virginia Tech hits close to home for me. I nearly went there as a student- it was the first college to accept me as a high school senior. Being from Virginia, of course I had friends and family who went there, including my soon-to-be sister-in-law. And VT has been the only reason to get excited about Virginia college sports for the last decade or so. To see even a glimpse of this beautiful campus converted into an actual warzone with mass killing is still surreal to me. My heart goes out to all Hokies, past and present.

We are reminded today of the brevity of life (we are but a mist), the futility of self-sovereignty, and the reality of evil. 33 souls went to judgment today, and I hope a number of those were redeemed by the blood of Christ- that even one grieving family is sensing in part right now the glorification of a child who belonged to Christ, and though experiencing great sorrow, not grieving as those who have no hope. If so, then I praise God that there were those ready to meet Him.

Some may look at events such as these and ask, "Where was God?" He was the same place he has been for the trillions and trillions of evil acts that have been committed throughout human history- storing up wrath until the proper time on His throne. He will serve His justice, rest assured. This will not be an unpunished evil. What should amaze us today, is that God provides the common grace that prevents the world from being so much worse than it actually is (and could be).

No, I don't understand it all- none of us will. But let us be faithful in praying for and sympathizing with the hurting, for this is what honors and glorifies Christ. One day, we will see face to face, but for now, we see through a glass darkly. Faith is often trusting God though you don't understand how or why. This earth is not heaven. Let us continue to wait with hope....

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